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Newsletters & Magazines Issued by Local Rainbow Communities

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Gemini : (1971, June - 1971, October)

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Publishing History: Issued by Waterloo Universities' Gay Liberation Movement (WUGLM) from 1971, June - 1971, October.

Copyright Permission: Copies of individual issues of Gemini have been reproduced with the kind permission of its copyright holder, GLOW - The Queer and Questioning Community Centre. This permission is part of a broad agreement to grant the Grand River Rainbow Historical Society copyright permission to reproduce publications of GLOW - The Queer and Questioning Community Centre under the current and prior names of GLOW back to its inception in March of 1971. Gemini was a publication of Waterloo Universities' Gay Liberation Movement (WUGLM), which in later years became GLOW - The Queer and Questioning Community Centre. No further reproduction is permitted.

Digitized Files: After the PDF file has displayed, we suggest that you set your viewing window to a fairly large size and then adjust the PDF magnification so that the text can be read comfortably.

Telephone Numbers & Email Addresses: These documents were published many years ago. Please do NOT use them as a source for telephone numbers or email addresses for local businesses or agencies. Reliable sources for that kind of information include and other search engines on the Internet.

Redaction: Certain parts of the digitized text have been blacked out in accordance with our Redaction Policy. The Grand River Rainbow Historical Society maintains a separate collection of unmarked (unredacted) copies of the issues of this magazine for consultation as necessary.
Numbering & Physical Description
Collection & Provenance
Digitized Copy
1971, June
Volume I, Number 1

This issue had 4 pages inclusive of the covers; its format size was 27.9 cm x 21.6 cm (11.0" x 8.5").
GRRHS Collection (donated from the Parrott/Pensaert Collection)
GRRHS Collection (donated from the GLOW Collection)
Gemini Issue 1
PDF file [3.0 Meg.]
The print on all pages was rather faint, but there was also noticeable bleed-through, so we were not able to darken the print by much.
1971, August
Volume I, Number 2

This issue had 8 pages inclusive of the covers; its format size was 27.9 cm x 21.6 cm (11.0" x 8.5").
GRRHS Collection (donated from the Parrott/Pensaert Collection)
GRRHS Collection (donated from the GLOW Collection)
Gemini Issue 2
PDF file [8.0 Meg.]
1971, October
Volume I, Number 3

This issue had 12 pages inclusive of the covers; its format size was 27.9 cm x 21.6 cm (11.0" x 8.5").
GRRHS Collection (donated from the Parrott/Pensaert Collection)
GRRHS Collection (donated from the GLOW Collection)
Gemini Issue 3
PDF file [10.3 Meg.]
The entire issue, including the numerous photographs, was printed using pink ink; in addition, pp.5-8 were printed on a yellow-coloured paper. We have enhanced pages without photographs to improve legibility; this resulted in some modification to the colour. Pages with photographs were left untouched.