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Events in Grand River Rainbow Communities

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1979 * Guelph Gay Equality: Halts Distribution of Today's Student on Campus

In an historical sketch of Guelph Queer Equality given on p.20 of Outlook, June 1996, Issue #11, was the statement “In 1979 the group helped end the distribution of Today's Student, an anti-woman, anti-gay, American fundamentalist tabloid.”
[source: Outlook, July 1996, Issue #11, p.20.]

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1979, January * GROW Newsletter, Third Issue: January 1979

The third issue of the GROW Newsletter, No. 1.3, January 1979, included: a statement of GROW's social rather than political goals and its aim to find a clubhouse for social activities, an announcement of the next GROW dinner (Monday, January 15), an invitation to women to join GROW, an announcement of the next general meeting (Sunday, January 21), a financial breakdown of how the membership fees were being spent, the names and telephone numbers of executive and committee members, and a message from the President (primarily about the availability of GROW's first financial statement).
[source: GROW Newsletter, Third Issue, January 1979.]
[categories: Waterloo Region | community groups | GROW | publications | GROW Newsletter]

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1979, January 10 (Wednesday) * WUGLM: Gay Lib Coffeehouse

Wednesday, January 10 ... Gay Lib Coffeehouse, CC 110 at 8:30 pm. Don't be shy!”
[source: Imprint, Vol.1, No.17, 1979, January 9 (Tuesday), “Campus Events,” p.1.]
[categories: campus groups | UW groups | WUGLM | meetings]

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1979, January 15 (Monday) * GROW Dinner

The description is given as follows (with a misprint of 1978 in place of 1979): “The next GROW dinner will be held on Monday, January 15, 1978 at 6:00 pm at the Swiss Castle Inn. Cocktails will be available between 6:00 and 7:00 pm. Dinner will be served at 7:00 pm. Tickets are now on sale at $7.00 per person. The bill of fare is prime rib of beef.”
[source: GROW Newsletter, Third Issue, January 1979, p.1.]

Pages 2-3 of the GROW Newsletter, Fourth Issue, February 1979, include the following report on the dinner. “The management and staff of the Swiss Castle Inn combined with the GROW Executive and Committee heads brought to approximately 90 people an excellent evening of dinner and entertainment on Monday January 15, 1979. The combination of convivial conversation, good food, drink and special attractions made the evening a great success for all involved. Conversation during the cocktail hour enabled members of GROW, their guests and other interested parties to get to know each other better. The dinner was then served and consisted of prime rib of beef, potatoes, a vegetable, salad and dessert which was throughly enjoyed by all. The high point of the evening was the speech of Dr. Colin De'Ath, native of New Zealand, world traveller and Ph.D. in anthropology. His talk on the differences and the misunderstandings which crop up when one confronts cultures other than western was extended into the misunderstandings inherent in different sexual attitudes. Using this metaphor, he called for greater understanding and tolerance for different paths.” This was followed by an artist singing and playing the guitar, and also a Pot of Gold draw.
[source: GROW Newsletter, Fourth Issue, February 1979, pp.2-3.]
[categories: Waterloo Region | community groups | GROW | dinner]

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1979, January 17 (Wednesday) * WUGLM: Gay Lib Coffeehouse

Wednesday, January 17 ... Gay Lib Coffeehouse: see [the entry in Imprint Vol.1, No.17, 1979, January 9 (Tuesday) cited for] last Wednesday.”
[source: Imprint, Vol.1, No.17, 1979, January 9 (Tuesday), “Campus Events,” p.1.]
[categories: campus groups | UW groups | WUGLM | meetings]

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1979, January 21 (Sunday) * GROW General Meeting

Page 1 of the GROW Newsletter, Third Issue: January 1979, announced that the next general meeting of GROW would be held on Sunday, January 21, beginning shortly after 7:00 pm.
[source: GROW Newsletter, Third Issue, January 1979, p.1.]
[categories: Waterloo Region | community groups | GROW]

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1979, January 24 (Wednesday) * WUGLM: Gay Lib Coffeehouse

Wednesday, January 24 ... Gay Lib Coffeehouse, 8:30 pm in CC 110.”
[source: Imprint, Vol.1, No.18, 1979, January 18 (Thursday), “Campus Events,” p.1.]
[categories: campus groups | UW groups | WUGLM | meetings]

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1979, January 25 (Thursday) * University of Waterloo: Imprint: Letter to the Editor : Gay News & Views Attacked

On p.2 of the Imprint, Vol.1, No.19, 1979, January 25 (Thursday), in the “Letters” section, there was a letter entitled “Gays Miss Bucket” signed by Paul Amuller and two other straight Steves and Sues, complaining about a Tuesday, January 16 broadcast of Gay News and Views on CKMS-FM, the UW radio station. The letter opened: “The only difference between CKMS' ‘Gay News and Views’ and a bucket of manure is the bucket.” The authors of the letter objected to some language used in the broadcast, and went on to say “After years of tolerance towards gays, this is the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back. It seems about time that a referendum should take place on their future in the Federation.”
[source: Imprint, Vol.1, No.19, 1979, January 25 (Thursday), “Letters,” p.2.]
[categories: University of Waterloo | Imprint]

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1979, January 25 (Thursday) * Gay News & Views : Attacked in Imprint Letter

“On thursday Jan. 25 The Imprint, a University of Waterloo student newspaper, carried a letter in which Gay News and Views was attacked because one of the announcers used the words 'fuck' and 'cunt' which were contained in an article being read on air. These homophobes suggested calling a referendum on 'the future of gays' at the University of Waterloo. Can we afford to let this letter go unchallenged?”
[source: OUT!, Vol. 1, No. 3, February 1979, p.9.]
[categories: Waterloo Region | community groups | K-W Gay Media Collective | Gay News & Views | Imprint]

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1979, January 29 (Monday) * Guelph Gay Equality: Gay Youth Guelph

“Mon. Jan. 29 - Gay Youth Guelph Meeting, Rm. 221, Univ. Centre, U. of Guelph. 8:00 p.m.”
[source: OUT!, Vol. 1, No. 3, February 1979, p.11.]
[categories: campus groups | Guelph groups | GGE | Gay Youth Guelph]

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1979, January 31 (Wednesday) * WUGLM: Gay Lib Coffeehouse

Wednesday, January 31 ... Gay Lib Coffeehouse, 8:30 pm in CC 110.”
[source: Imprint, Vol.1, No.19, 1979, January 25 (Thursday), “Campus Events,” p.1.]
[categories: campus groups | UW groups | WUGLM | meetings]

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1979, January 31 (Wednesday) * Guelph Gay Equality: Film Night

“Wed. Jan. 31 - Film Night - 9th Floor Lounge, Arts Lounge, Arts Building, U. of G. 8:00 p.m.”
[source: OUT!, Vol. 1, No. 3, February 1979, p.11.]
[categories: campus groups | Guelph groups | GGE | film screening]

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1979, February * K-W Gay Media Collective: OUT! Vol. 1, No. 3

The third issue, Vol. 1, No. 3, included: an editorial applauding John Sewell (mayor of Toronto) for his support of gay rights in the wake of the Body Politic court case and the Barracks raid in Toronto, two pieces about the split that occurred in the recently founded Gay Rights Organization of Waterloo (GROW), a comment disagreeing with remarks in the Quentin Crisp interview concerning gay liberation, a letter to the Editor, a feature entitled “Women & Power,” a news page (including several events in the Kitchener-Waterloo area), several poems, a listing of some events in Guelph and Waterloo, and a stunning back-cover photo of what radicals looked like in 1979. There were also advertisements for Gay News & Views, Glad Day Bookstore (Toronto), the Body Politic (Toronto), Toronto Women's Bookstore, GROW (Gay Rights Organization of Waterloo), LOOK (Lesbian Organization of Kitchener), Kitchener-Waterloo Gay Media Collective, Waterloo Universities Gay Liberation Movement, Guelph Gay Equality, and Older Lesbians and Gays (Toronto). There was a small notice on p.11 indicating that WUGLM held a “Gay Coffee-house every Wenesday night 8:30 p.m. room 110 campus centre.”
[source: OUT!, Vol. 1, No. 3, February 1979.]
[categories: Waterloo Region | community groups | K-W Gay Media Collective | publications | OUT!]

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1979, February * GROW Newsletter, Fourth Issue: February 1979

The fourth issue of the GROW Newsletter, No. 1.4, February 1979, included: announcements of several upcoming events, a message from the President (mostly about the importance of having more members), a detailed report on the recent GROW Dinner (held Monday, January 15, 1979), a message from the Special Events and Fund-Raising Committees (mostly about the need for more volunteers to avoid exhausting current Committee members), information about membership cards (indicating that they are available at the Bridgeport Dances, general meetings, dinners and from the President), the availability of GROW T-shirts, a listing of four books that might be of interest to members, a listing of current GROW executive and committee positions with contact information, and a mailing address where comments might be sent.
[source: GROW Newsletter, Fourth Issue, February 1979.]
[categories: Waterloo Region | community groups | GROW | publications | GROW Newsletter]

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1979, February 1 (Thursday) * University of Waterloo: Imprint : Letter to the Editor: Gay News & Views Attacked

On p.2 of the Imprint, Vol.1, No.20, 1979, February 1 (Thursday), in the “Letters” section, there was a letter entitled “Equally Offended” signed by Cindy Butcher (also known as Bertha Bumchuckles, who was one of the announcers on Gay News & Views), responding to the letter by Paul Amuller in the previous issue. The first paragraph of her letter read “I am equally offended by the words ‘fuck’ and ‘cunt’, but for very different reasons than those put forth by Paul Amuller. The two offensive words were used in the context of an anecdote, and one which many women are frightenly familiar with - sexual/verbal harassment.” Her letter ended with the statement “I've never been grateful for the tolerance you speak of, preferring acceptance to pity.”
[source: Imprint, Vol.1, No.20, 1979, February 1 (Thursday), “Letters,” p.2.]
[categories: University of Waterloo | Imprint]

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1979, February 1 (Thursday) * University of Waterloo: Imprint: Letter to the Editor : Gay News & Views Attacked

On p.2 of the Imprint, Vol.1, No.20, 1979, February 1 (Thursday), in the “Letters” section, there was a second reponse to the letter by Paul Amuller, this one entitled “Grasping at straws” signed by Goz Lyv (who was another member of the Kitchener-Waterloo Gay Media Collective). Goz pointed out that the offending words had been taken out of context, and that Gay News & Views performed a valuable service to the community. He ascribed Paul Amuller's complaints to homophobia.
[source: Imprint, Vol.1, No.20, 1979, February 1 (Thursday), “Letters,” p.2.]
[categories: University of Waterloo | Imprint]

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1979, February 7 (Wednesday) * Guelph Gay Equality: Games Night

“Wed. Feb. 7 - Games Night - bring cards, games. 9th Floor Lounge. 8:00 p.m.”
[source: OUT!, Vol. 1, No. 3, February 1979, p.11.]
[categories: campus groups | Guelph groups | GGE]

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1979, February 7 (Wednesday) * WUGLM: Gay Lib Coffeehouse

Wednesday, February 7 ... Gay Lib Coffeehouse: CC 110 at 8 pm.”
[source: Imprint, Vol.1, No.20, 1979, February 1 (Thursday), “Campus Events,” p.1.]
[categories: campus groups | UW groups | WUGLM | meetings]

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1979, February 14 (Wednesday) * Guelph Gay Equality: Discussion Series

“Wed. Feb. 14 - Discussion Series - On Being Gay - Part 1 - The Coming Out Process. 9th Floor Lounge, 8:00 p.m.”
[source: OUT!, Vol. 1, No. 3, February 1979, p.11.]
[categories: campus groups | Guelph groups | GGE | discussion groups]

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1979, February 14 (Wednesday) * WUGLM: Gay Lib Coffeehouse

Wednesday, February 14 ... Gay Lib Coffeehouse, 8:30 pm CC 110. Today is the day to come out of the closet.”
[source: Imprint, Vol.1, No.21, 1979, February 8 (Thursday), “Campus Events,” p.1.]
[categories: campus groups | UW groups | WUGLM | meetings]

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1979, February 15 (Thursday) * University of Waterloo: Shere Hite & Robin Tyler

“Shere Hite & Robin Tyler. Shere Hite: author of the ‘Hite Report’ a nationwide study on female sexuality. Robin Tyler: lesbian-feminist comic, activist and lecturer. Feb. 15. Humanities Theatre - U. of W.”
[source: OUT!, Vol. 1, No. 3, February 1979, p.11.]
[categories: University of Waterloo | Shere Hite | Robin Tyler]

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1979, February 17 (Saturday) * GROW: Skating and Toboggan Party

“Saturday, February 17, 1979 - Skating and Toboggan Party from 5:00 pm at Meadowlane Public School, 236 Forestwood Drive, Kitchener, Ontario.” A BYOB party was planned immediately after at a nearby private home.
[source: GROW Newsletter, Fourth Issue, February 1979, p.1.]
[categories: Waterloo Region | community groups | GROW]

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1979, February 21 (Wednesday) * Guelph Gay Equality: S & M Night

“Wed. Feb. 21 - S & M Night - John Gartshore and his equipment. 9th Floor Lounge, 8:00 p.m.”
[source: OUT!, Vol. 1, No. 3, February 1979, p.11.]
[categories: campus groups | Guelph groups | GGE]

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1979, February 21 (Wednesday) * WUGLM: Gay Lib Coffeehouse

Wednesday, Feb. 21 ... Gay Lib Coffeeklatsch 8:30, CC 110. Meet new friends!!”
[source: Imprint, Vol.1, No.22, 1979, February 15 (Thursday), “Campus Events,” p.1.]
[categories: campus groups | UW groups | WUGLM | meetings]

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1979, February 22 (Thursday) * University of Waterloo: Imprint: Letter to the Editor: Hite/Tyler

On p.2 of the Imprint, Vol.1, No.23, 1979, February 22 (Thursday), was a letter to the Editor by Annemarie Reimer entitled “Hite audience immature”, in which the writer spoke of audience hostility shown to both Robin Tyler (lesbian feminist comic) and Shere Hite (author of The Hite Report, a survey on female sexuality) during their speaking engagement at the Humanities Theatre on February 15. The writer said at one point “Was it Robin Tyler's declaration of being a lesbian which began this hostile reaction (shown only by the women) completely inappropriate to the content of Shere Hite's lecture or to her own conduct?”
[source: Imprint, Vol.1, No.23, 1979, February 22 (Thursday), “Letters,” p.2.]
[categories: University of Waterloo | Imprint]

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1979, February 22 (Thursday) * University of Waterloo: Imprint: Review: Hite Lecture

On p.5 of the Imprint, Vol.1, No.23, 1979, February 22 (Thursday), was a news report (entitled “Hite wants more sexual options, and sex re-evaluated”) by Lori Farnham reviewing the Shere Hite lecture of February 15. The reporter noted that Hite spoke about female orgasm and problems related to the “institutionalized pattern” of heterosexual intercourse. The news report said at one point “Until about 3,000 years ago, heterosexual intercourse was seen as only one of many forms of physical relations. But when the Hebrews returned from exile in Bablyon, they needed to produce many children to work the land and fight against invaders. They then initiated laws which made heterosexual intercourse the only accepted form of sexual contact. Acording to Hite, this ‘rigid reproduction pattern’ is now outdated. Large families are no longer necessary, so the political and economic reasons of restricting sexuality are no longer valid.”
[source: Imprint, Vol.1, No.23, 1979, February 22 (Thursday), p.5.]
[categories: University of Waterloo | Imprint]

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1979, February 22 (Thursday) * University of Waterloo: Imprint: Review: Tyler

On p.7 of the Imprint, Vol.1, No.23, 1979, February 22 (Thursday), was a brief, very positive, review (entitled “Tyler top with Hite”) by Nel Coole and Margaret Leighton of Robin Tyler's comic performance before the lecture by Shere Hite on February 15. The reviewers noted that Tyler was born in WInnipeg, moved to Hollywood, and made her Canadian debut at this performance in the Humanities Theatre. They described her material as “focussing primarily on women's and gay rights.”
[source: Imprint, Vol.1, No.23, 1979, February 22 (Thursday), p.7.]
[categories: University of Waterloo | Imprint]

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1979, February 28 (Wednesday) * Guelph Gay Equality: Discussion Series

“Wed. Feb. 28 - Discussion Series - On Being Gay - Part 2 - Dealing with Oppression. 9th Floor Lounge, 8:00 p.m.”
[source: OUT!, Vol. 1, No. 3, February 1979, p.11.]
[categories: campus groups | Guelph groups | GGE | discussion groups]

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1979, February 28 (Wednesday) * WUGLM: Gay Lib Coffeehouse

Wednesday, February 28 ... Gay Lib coffeehouse. 8:30 pm CC 110. You never know who you'll meet there!”
[source: Imprint, Vol.1, No.23, 1979, February 22 (Thursday), “Campus Events,” p.1.]
[categories: campus groups | UW groups | WUGLM | meetings]

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1979, March * K-W Gay Media Collective: OUT! Vol. 1, No. 4

The fourth issue, Vol. 1, No. 4, included: an editorial about the not guilty verdict in the Body Politic trial in Toronto, an article giving a chronicle of the events surrounding the harrassment of the Body Politic, an article on venereal disease among gay men and free confidential testing clinics, a review of the performance by Shere Hite and Robin Tyler on February 15 at the University of Waterloo, the text of a speech by Joanne Kates at a Body Politic rally in Toronto, an anthropological article by Colin De'Ath on sexuality in third world countries (based on his travels over a period of 25 years), some poems, a listing of some events in Guelph, and a notice about the WUGLM Wednesday evening Gay Coffee House in Room 110 of the Campus Centre at the University of Waterloo. There were also advertisements for The Body Politic (Toronto), Celebration '79 (the 7th annual conference of lesbians and gay men, 27 June to 2 July 1979, Ottawa), GROW (Gay Rights Organization of Waterloo), LOOK (Lesbian Organization of Kitchener), Kitchener-Waterloo Gay Media Collective, Waterloo Universities Gay Liberation Movement, Guelph Gay Equality, Gay News & Views, Marbles Restaurant, and a list of events in Kitchener from March 8 (Thursday) to March 10 (Sunday) to celebrate International Women's Day.
[source: OUT!, Vol. 1, No. 4, March 1979.]
[categories: Waterloo Region | community groups | K-W Gay Media Collective | publications | OUT!]

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1979, March * GROW Newsletter, Fifth Issue: March 1979

The fifth issue of the GROW Newsletter, labelled No. 1.4 in error (that was the number for the February, 1979 issue), 1979, included: announcements of a few upcoming events, a notice about the membership fees, and a mailing address where people might seend comments.
[source: GROW Newsletter, Fifth Issue, March 1979.]
[categories: Waterloo Region | community groups | GROW | publications | GROW Newsletter]

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1979, March 7 (Wednesday) * Guelph Gay Equality: Discussion Series

“Wed. March 7. - Discussion Series - On Being Gay - Part 3 - The Gay Lifestyle. University Centre, 9th floor lounge U. of Guelph.”
[source: OUT!, Vol. 1, No. 4, March 1979, p.11.]
[categories: campus groups | Guelph groups | GGE | discussion groups]

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1979, March 7 (Wednesday) * WUGLM: Gay Lib Coffeehouse

Wednesday, March 7 ... Gay Lib Coffeehouse. 8:30, CC 110.”
[source: Imprint, Vol.1, No.24, 1979, March 1 (Thursday), “Campus Events,” p.1.]
[categories: campus groups | UW groups | WUGLM | meetings]

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1979, March 9 (Friday) * International Women's Week: Kitchener-Waterloo Women's Celebration

Friday, March 9 ... Women's Celebration in Victoria Park Pavilion, 7:30 PM, $1. Featuring Dance Plus Four, folksinger Jane Siberry, poets Shirley Tillotson and Bronwyn Wallace, speaker Moe Lyons, and dancing for everyone. Information ###-####.” [NOTE: Moe Lyons was a prominent member of Lesbian Organization of Kitchener (LOOK).]
[source: Imprint, Vol.1, No.25, 1979, March 8 (Thursday), “Campus Events,” p.1.]
[categories: women's groups | Kitchener | International Women's Week]

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1979, March 12 (Monday) * Guelph Gay Equality: Gay Youth Guelph

“Mon. March 12 - Gay Youth Guelph Discussion group on 'peer pressure' Room 221 University Centre. U. of Guelph.”
[source: OUT!, Vol. 1, No. 4, March 1979, p.11.]
[categories: campus groups | Guelph groups | GGE | Gay Youth Guelph]

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1979, March 14 (Wednesday) * Guelph Gay Equality: Talk by Kitchener-Waterloo Gay Media Collective

“Wed. March 14 - A member of the Kitchener-Waterloo Gay Media Collective will give a talk on the Collective`s activities.”
[source: OUT!, Vol. 1, No. 4, March 1979, p.11.]
[categories: campus groups | Guelph groups | GGE | K-W Gay Media Collective]

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1979, March 14 (Wednesday) * WUGLM: Gay Lib Coffeehouse

Wednesday, March 14 ... Gay Lib Coffeehouse, 8:30 pm in ol' CC110.”
[source: Imprint, Vol.1, No.25, 1979, March 8 (Thursday), “Campus Events,” p.1.]
[categories: campus groups | UW groups | WUGLM | meetings]

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1979, March 16 (Friday) * University of Waterloo: Imprint: Letter to the Editor: Gay News & Views

On p.8 of the Imprint, Vol.1, No.26, 1979, March 16 (Friday), there was a letter to the Editor (entitled “Offensive Language”) by Mark Vander Wal continuing the criticism (of a broadcast by Gay News & Views) found in the January 25 letter by Paul Amuller entitled “Gays Miss Bucket.” This writer indicated that he had complained to the campus radio station, CKMS, and intended to speak about this matter at their March 29th Board meeting. He also exhorted other students who felt as he did to write to the CRTC in Ottawa as he himself had done.
[source: Imprint, Vol.1, No.26, 1979, March 16 (Friday), “Letters,” p.8.]
[categories: campus groups | UW groups | WUGLM | meetings]

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1979, March 17 (Saturday) * Guelph Gay Equality: Dance

“Saturday, March 17, 1979 - Guelph Dance at 611 Silvercreek Parkway, Guelph, Ontario. Music from 9:00 p.m.”
[source: GROW Newsletter, March 1979 (Fifth Issue), p.1.]
[categories: campus groups | Guelph groups | GGE | dances]

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1979, March 21 (Wednesday) * Guelph Gay Equality: Discussion Series

“Wed. March 21 - Discussion Series - On Being Gay - Part 4 - Living Arrangements. University Centre 9th floor lounge. U. of Guelph”
[source: OUT!, Vol. 1, No. 4, March 1979, p.11.]
[categories: campus groups | Guelph groups | GGE | discussion groups]

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1979, March 21 (Wednesday) * WUGLM: Gay Lib Coffeehouse

Wednesday, March 21 ... Gay Lib Coffeehouse. 8:30, CC 110.”
[source: Imprint, Vol.1, No.26, 1979, March 16 (Friday), “Campus Events,” p.1.]
[categories: campus groups | UW groups | WUGLM | meetings]

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1979, March 21 (Wednesday) * GROW: Dinner and Dance

“Wednesday, March 21, 1979 - Dinner and Dance. Watch for further details.”
[source: GROW Newsletter, Fourth Issue, February 1979, p.1.]

“Wednesday, March 21, 1979 - Dinner and Dance at 'The Pigeon Farm' 47 A King St. North, Waterloo, Ont. Cocktails 6:00 p.m., Dinner 7:00 p.m., Dance 8:30 p.m. Tickets $7.00 per person. Available from members of your Executive and at the coatcheck at the Bridgeport Dance.”
[source: GROW Newsletter, March 1979 (Fifth Issue), p.1.]
[categories: Waterloo Region | community groups | GROW]

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1979, March 24 (Saturday) * GROW: Swimming and Sauna Party

“Saturday, March 24, 1979 - Swimming and Sauna Party from 9:00 pm till 10:30 pm at Cameron Heights Collegiate, Charles Street East, Kitchener. Admission: $1.00 per person.” A BYOB party was planned immediately after at a nearby private home.
[source: GROW Newsletter, Fourth Issue, February 1979, p.1; GROW Newsletter, March 1979 (Fifth Issue), p.1.]
[categories: Waterloo Region | community groups | GROW]

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1979, March 26 (Monday) * Guelph Gay Equality: Gay Youth Guelph

“Mon. March 26 - Gay Youth Guelph Discussion group on 'Social Services.' Room 221 University Centre U. of Guelph.”
[source: OUT!, Vol. 1, No. 4, March 1979, p.11.]
[categories: campus groups | Guelph groups | GGE | Gay Youth Guelph]

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1979, March 28 (Wednesday) * Guelph Gay Equality: Film Night

Although the date was omitted, it was probably Wednesday, March 28. “Film Night - 'TRUX' - University Centre. 9th floor lounge. U. of Guelph.”
[source: OUT!, Vol. 1, No. 4, March 1979, p.11.]
[categories: campus groups | Guelph groups | GGE | film screenings]

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1979, March 28 (Wednesday) * WUGLM: Gay Lib Coffeehouse

Wednesday, March 28 ... Gay Lib Coffeehouse tonight, in CC 110, 8:30 PM. Friends and supporters are welcome.”
[source: Imprint, Vol.1, No.27, 1979, March 22 (Thursday), “Campus Events,” p.1.]
[categories: campus groups | UW groups | WUGLM | meetings]

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1979, April * K-W Gay Media Collective: OUT! Vol. 1, No. 5

The fifth issue, Vol. 1, No. 5, included: an editorial by Moe Lyons about the place of lesbians and feminists in the women's movement, three letters to the editor, advertisements for a new book on the medical profession, a couple of Toronto performances by lesbian actor Pat Bond, the Canadian Lesbian and Gay Rights Coalition (CLGRC) and its 1979 conference (the 7th Annual Conference for Lesbians and Gay Men, Ottawa, 27 June to 3 July, 1979), a lesbian conference in Toronto (May 19-21), the Coalition for Gay Rights in Ontario, Marbles Restaurant, GROW (Gay Rights Organization of Waterloo), LOOK (Lesbian Organization of Kitchener), Kitchener-Waterloo Gay Media Collective, Waterloo Universities Gay Liberation Movement, Guelph Gay Equality, Georgian Bay Gay Information Centre, the Gay Coffee House on Wednesday evenings sponsored by Waterloo Universities' Gay Liberation Movement (WUGLM), Gay News & Views, and OUT! magazine itself. There was a news item about a homophobic article that appeared in a recent issue of the Metro Toronto Police Association's monthly publication. There was also a news article about some complaints in the UW student newspaper, The Imprint, about the use of some “naughty” words in a January 16 broadcast on Gay News & Views (a radio show sponsored by the K-W Gay Media Collective). There was a brief announcement of a “new gay group in Collingwood to serve the Georgian Bay area” (the Georgian Bay Information Centre). There was a detailed announcement describing the Easter Conference of the Coalition for Gay Rights in Ontario, April 12 (Thursday) to April 16 (Monday). There was a description of proposed themes for future issues of OUT!, an article by Wiz Long on spousal abuse, a drawing of a naked male angel, three poems, a listing of some coming events in Guelph, and a classified ad.
[source: OUT!, Vol. 1, No. 5, April 1979.]
[categories: Waterloo Region | community groups | K-W Gay Media Collective | publications | OUT!]

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1979, April * GROW Newsletter: Special April 1979

This issue had the header “GROW Newsletter Special April 1979” The April, 1979 issue of the GROW Newsletter included: information about the convoy to Billie's Place in Hamilton (April 28), and the Out of Towner Weekend (June 22-23).
[source: GROW Newsletter, April 1979.]
[categories: Waterloo Region | community groups | GROW | publications | GROW Newsletter]

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1979, April 4 (Wednesday) * Guelph Gay Equality: Wine and Cheese Party

“Wed. April 4: Wine and Cheese Party. Call ###-#### for location. 7:30 pm.”
[source: OUT!, Vol. 1, No. 5, April 1979, p.15.]
[categories: campus groups | Guelph groups | GGE]

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1979, April 4 (Wednesday) * WUGLM: Gay Lib Coffeehouse

Wednesday, April 4 ... Gay Lib Coffeehouse at 8:30 PM in CC 110, as usual.”
[source: Imprint, Vol.1, No.28, 1979, March 29 (Thursday), “Campus Events,” p.1.]
[categories: campus groups | UW groups | WUGLM | meetings]

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1979, April 11 (Wednesday) * Guelph Gay Equality: Visit to WUGLM Coffee House

“Wed. April 11: Visit to Waterloo Gay Lib Drop-in. Meet at 8:00 pm., 9th Floor Lounge, Arts Building. Univ. of Guelph. Leaving at 8:30 pm.”
[source: OUT!, Vol. 1, No. 5, April 1979, p.15.]
[categories: campus groups | Guelph groups | GGE | WUGLM]

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1979, April 18 (Wednesday) * Guelph Gay Equality: Parents of Gays Speaker

“Wed. April 18: Parents of Gays - speaker. 8:00 pm in 9th Floor Lounge, Arts Bldg. U. of G.”
[source: OUT!, Vol. 1, No. 5, April 1979, p.15.]
[categories: campus groups | Guelph groups | GGE]

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1979, April 25 (Wednesday) * Guelph Gay Equality: Film Night

“Wed. April 25: Film Night, 8:00 pm. in 9th Floor Lounge, Arts Building.”
[source: OUT!, Vol. 1, No. 5, April 1979, p.15.]
[categories: campus groups | Guelph groups | GGE | film screenings]

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1979, April 28 (Saturday) * Guelph Gay Equality: Dance

“Sat. April 28: (still tentative) Dance. Call ###-#### for details.”
[source: OUT!, Vol. 1, No. 5, April 1979, p.15.]
[categories: campus groups | Guelph groups | dances]

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1979, April 28 (Saturday) * GROW: Convoy to Billie's Place, Hamilton

GROW arranged a convoy of cars to Billie's Place in Hamilton for Saturday, April 28, 1979. “Everyone will be meeting in front of SEARS, Fairview Park Mall where directions and/or rides will be made available. Please be in front of SEARS (with disco boots) by 7:30 p.m. as the troop leaves at 7:45 p.m.”
[source: GROW Newsletter, April 1979, p.1.]

“Convoy to Hamilton: The executive of GROW would like to thank all the people who made our trip to Billie's Place in Hamilton such a great SUCCESS. A special thanks to the many drivers. A good time was had by all. We would also like to thank the management and staff at Billie's for their warm welcome. We hope to do it again in the near future”.
[source: GROW Newsletter, May 1979, p.1.]
[categories: Waterloo Region | community groups | GROW]

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1979, May * K-W Gay Media Collective: OUT! Vol. 1, No. 6

The sixth issue, Vol. 1, No. 6, included: an editorial on the theme of the issue (coming out), six coming out stories, a song, four poems, a notice about the WUGLM gay coffeehouse, a list of upcoming events at Guelph, and advertisements for: Glad Day Books (Toronto), a conference organized by the Lesbian Organization of Toronto (May 19-21), Marbles Restaurant, CGRO, Toronto Women's Bookstore, GROW (Gay Rights Organization of Waterloo), LOOK (Lesbian Organization of Kitchener), Kitchener-Waterloo Gay Media Collective, Waterloo Universities Gay Liberation Movement, Guelph Gay Equality, Georgian Bay Gay Information Centre, Gay News & Views, and a full-page description giving more information on the Bi-national Lesbian Conference (May 19-21, 1979).
[source: OUT!, Vol. 1, No. 6, May 1979.]
[categories: Waterloo Region | community groups | K-W Gay Media Collective | publications | OUT!]

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1979, May * GROW Newsletter: May 1979

This issue thanked all the people who made the trip to Billie's Place in Hamilton such a success. The issue also contained a detailed announcement of the Out of Towner Weekend to be held on June 22 and 23, 1979 (a weekend of festivities in Kitchener-Waterloo to which out-of-town folks were specifically invited). It also included a map with instructions for finding the Pioneer Sportsmens Picnic Grounds, the site of Carnival Day festivities on Saturday, June 23.
[source: GROW Newsletter, May 1979.]
[categories: Waterloo Region | community groups | GROW | publications | GROW Newsletter]

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1979, May 9 (Wednesday) * Guelph Gay Equality: Meeting of Fitness and Exercise

“Wed. May 9: Meeting of fitness and exercise. 9th floor Lounge Arts Bldg. 8:00 pm.”
[source: OUT!, Vol. 1, No. 6, May 1979, p.15.]
[categories: campus groups | Guelph groups | GGE]

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1979, May 16 (Wednesday) * Guelph Gay Equality: Informal Drop-In

“Wed. May 16. Informal drop-in. 9th floor lounge Arts Bldg. 8:00 pm.”
[source: OUT!, Vol. 1, No. 6, May 1979, p.15.]
[categories: campus groups | Guelph groups | GGE]

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1979, May 18 (Friday) - May 21 (Monday) * GROW: K.W. Out Of Towner Weekend

“Friday - Monday, May 18 - 21, 1979 - The Big Event - 'K.W. Out Of Towner Weekend'. Watch for further details.” The date for this event was evidently switched from the weekend of May 18 (Friday) - May 21 (Monday), 1979 to the weekend of June 22 (Friday) and June 23 (Saturday), 1979.
[source: GROW Newsletter, Fourth Issue, February 1979, p.1.]
[categories: Waterloo Region | community groups | GROW]

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1979, May 23 (Wednesday) * Guelph Gay Equality: Film Night

“Wed. May 23. Film Night. 9th floor Lounge Arts Bldg. 8:00 pm.”
[source: OUT!, Vol. 1, No. 6, May 1979, p.15.]
[categories: campus groups | Guelph groups | GGE | film screenings]

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1979, May 25 (Friday) * Guelph Gay Equality: Dance School House

“Fri. May 25. Dance School House 611 Silver Creek Parkway 9:00 pm.”
[source: OUT!, Vol. 1, No. 6, May 1979, p.15.]
[categories: campus groups | Guelph groups | GGE | dances]

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1979, May 30 (Wednesday) * Guelph Gay Equality: Informal Drop-I

“Wed. May 30. Informal drop-in. 9th floor lounge Arts Bldg. 8:00 pm.”
[source: OUT!, Vol. 1, No. 6, May 1979, p.15.]
[categories: campus groups | Guelph groups | GGE]

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1979, June 7 (Thursday) * Leaping Lesbians Radio Show Begins

“WATERLOO. Leaping Lesbians made its debut on Thursday, June 7, 1979 on CKMS-FM. The programme will feature upcoming events, music, interviews, and the herstory of womynkind. Leaping Lesbians can be heard every Thursday evening from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on CKMS-FM 94.5 or 105.7 on Grand River Cable. It will be a programme of interest to all womyn. Plan to listen.”
[source: OUT!, Vol. 1, No. 7, June 1979, p.4.]

The Leaping Lesbians radio show began on campus radio CKMS in 1979 at the University of Waterloo. After over twenty years, it ceased in 2000.
[source: Jim Parrott.]
[categories: community groups | women's groups | feminism | Kitchener-Waterloo | LOOK | Leaping Lesbians radio]

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1979, June * K-W Gay Media Collective: OUT! Vol. 1, No. 7

The seventh (and final) issue, Vol. 1, No. 7, included: an editorial about gay harrassment and protests in San Francisco and what that means for us in Ontario, four letters, several local news items, an article on the 7th Annual Conference for Lesbians and Gay Men in Ottawa (June 27 - July 2), an article about small town lesbians, an article on lesbian separatism, a note about some ideas for outdoor activities that the K-W Media Collective was considering organizing, four poems, two coming out stories, a note that OUT! would be changing to a bi-monthly publication (next issue to be August), a Georgian Bay Camping trip planned by the Collective for the August long weekend (August 3 - 6), and advertisements for: a July 6 Dance in Guelph, Toronto Women's Bookstore, The Body Politic (Toronto), Glad Day Books (Toronto), Marbles Restaurant, Achilles Heel Disco, Broadside (a women's newspaper), Hysteria (a womyn's magazine to be launched in the Fall), GROW (Gay Rights Organization of Waterloo), LOOK (Lesbian Organization of Kitchener), Kitchener-Waterloo Gay Media Collective, Waterloo Universities Gay Liberation Movement, Guelph Gay Equality, SOUL (Southern Ontario Union of Lesbians), Georgian Bay Gay Information Centre, Gay News & Views, Leaping Lesbians (a new radio show on CKMS), a new magazine entitled “Lesbians/lesbiennes” and described as “the first out-of-the-closet lesbian magazine in the country” and a full-page advertisement for “Celebrate '79” 7th Annual Conference for Lesbians and Gay Men, Ottawa (June 27 - July 2).
[source: OUT!, Vol. 1, No. 7, June 1979.]
[categories: Waterloo Region | community groups | K-W Gay Media Collective | publications | OUT!]

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1979, June 22 (Friday) * Guelph Womyn 'Welcome In Summer' Party

“GUELPH Womyn Only! To follow the tradition of celebrating the day after the event, we will be holding a ‘Welcome In Summer’ Party on Friday, June 22 at 7:30 p.m. It is a BYOB and if you don't, you'll be drinking freshie. We'll be talking about the new radio show LEAPING LESBIANS and how you can be a STAR in one easy lesson. There is also a national news magazine going into production called LESBIAN/LESBIENNE. Brenda Starr, move over. Here come the dykes!” No location is given; perhaps the 9th floor lounge was intended or understood.
[source: OUT!, Vol. 1, No. 7, June 1979, p.4.]
[categories: community groups | Guelph | women's groups | feminism | Guelph Womyn]

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1979, June 22 (Friday) - June 23 * GROW: Out of Towner Weekend

“Out of Towner Weekend. Coming Up. June 22 and 23, 1979. Our next event will be the First Annual Out of Towner Weekend. It will take place Friday June 22 and Saturday June 23, 1979. Festivities begin Friday evening with a cocktail hour at 6 p.m. in the Crystal Ballroom of the world famous Walper Hotel. (Corner of King and Queen Streets in downtown Kitchener.) This will be an excellent time to meet all those people from out of town and also to arrange billeting. Dinner follows at 7:00 p.m. with Disco Dancing till 1:00 a.m. Saturday is Carnival Day, rain or shine. The action begins at 12:00 noon at Pioneer Sportsmens Picnic Grounds on Pioneer Tower Road with a Pancake Breakfast. This will be followed by the crowning of the Carnival King and Queen at 2:00 p.m. ... Enjoy yourself with Games of Chance, Bingo, Spontaneous Sporting Events, Throw Balls at the Target and Dump the Mystery Person, Fortune Telling, Refreshments, Pig Barbeque, Outdoor Bar, and Much Much More. Continuous All Day till Dusk. Tickets available now. .... Prices: Friday: Dinner and Dance $7.00, Dance only $2.00; Saturday: Carnival & 2 Drinks $4.00; Package Deal $10.00.”
[source: GROW Newsletter, May 1979, p.1.]
[categories: Waterloo Region | community groups | GROW]

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1979, July 6 (Friday) * Guelph Gay Equality: Schoolhouse Dance

“GUELPH. On Friday, July 6th, there will be a dance at the schoolhouse, 611 Silvercreek Pkwy. beginning at 9 p.m., COME ONE! COME ALL!”
[source: OUT!, Vol. 1, No. 7, June 1979, p.4.]
[categories: campus groups | Guelph groups | GGE | dances]

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1979, July 11 (Wednesday) * Guelph Gay Equality: Gathering of Artisans / Artists

“GUELPH. Artisans/Artists. What are area gay artisans & artists doing? If you dabble in the arts or if you make your living through creating art, bring examples of your work on Wednesday, July 11 to the 9th floor lounge of the arts bldg., University of Guelph, 8 p.m.”
[source: OUT!, Vol. 1, No. 7, June 1979, p.4.]
[categories: campus groups | Guelph groups | GGE]

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1979, December 9 (Sunday) * GROW: Election Night

The GROW Newsletter, First Edition, January 24th, 1980, p.1 thanked those who attended “our Election Night, for the G.R.O.W. Executive 1980, which was held December 9th, 1979, at the Swiss Castle Inn.” Although attendance was poor, enough members were present to elect people to all Executive positions, although one person had since then resigned for personal reasons.
[source: GROW Newsletter, First Edition 1980, January 24th, p.1.]
[categories: Waterloo Region | community groups | GROW]

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