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Events in Grand River Rainbow Communities

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1978, January * Guelph Gay Equality (GGE): Anita Bryant Rally & Demo

“Guelph participated in the largest gay rally and domonstration in Canada's history, during the Anita Bryant visit.”
[source: OUT!, Vol. 1, No. 1, November 1978, p.4 (an article entitled “GGE 5 Years”).]
[categories: campus groups | Guelph groups | GGE | political activism]

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1978, January 6 (Friday) * Chevron: Ad for WUGLM Counselling & Information

On p.4 of Chevron, Vol.18, No.27, 1978, January 6 (Friday), in the “classified” section under “Personal” was the following notice. “Gay Lib Office, Campus Centre Rm. 217C. Open Monday-Thursday 7-10pm, some afternoons. Counselling and information. Phone 885-1211 ext. #### [WUGLM's telephone line].”
[source: Chevron, Vol.18, No.27, 1978, January 6 (Friday), p.4.]
[categories: campus groups | UW groups | Chevron | WUGLM]

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1978, January 11 (Wednesday) * WUGLM: Coffee House

Wednesday ... Coffee House. Sponsored by Gay Lib. 8:30pm. CC 110.”
[source: Chevron, Vol.18, No.27, 1978, January 6 (Friday), “twoc,” p.2.]
[categories: campus groups | UW groups | WUGLM | meetings]

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1978, January 13 (Friday) * Chevron: Ad for WUGLM Counselling & Information

On p.4 of Chevron, Vol.18, No.28, 1978, January 13 (Friday), in the “classified” section under “Personal” was the following notice. “Gay Lib Office, Campus Centre Rm. 217C. Open Monday-Thursday 7-10pm, some afternoons. Counselling and information. Phone 885-1211 ext. #### [WUGLM's telephone line].”
[source: Chevron, Vol.18, No.28, 1978, January 13 (Friday), p.4.]
[categories: campus groups | UW groups | Chevron | WUGLM]

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1978, January 18 (Wednesday) * WUGLM: Coffee House

Wednesday ... Coffeehouse: 8:30 in CC 110. Sponsored by Gay Lib.”
[source: Chevron, Vol.18, No.28, 1978, January 13 (Friday), “twoc,” p.2.]
[categories: campus groups | UW groups | WUGLM | meetings]

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1978, January 20 (Friday) * Chevron: Ad for WUGLM Counselling & Information

On p.4 of Chevron, Vol.18, No.29, 1978, January 20 (Friday), in the “classified” section under “Personal” was the following notice. “Gay Lib Office, Campus Centre Rm. 217C. Open Monday-Thursday 7-10pm, some afternoons. Counselling and information. Phone 885-1211 ext. #### [WUGLM's telephone line].”
[source: Chevron, Vol.18, No.29, 1978, January 20 (Friday), p.4.]
[categories: campus groups | UW groups | Chevron | WUGLM]

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1978, January 24 (Tuesday) * Lesbian Organization of Kitchener: Coffee House

Tuesday ... LOOK coffeehouse (Lesbian Organization of Kitchener). LOOK's first coffeehouse will open this evening with live entertainment, free admission and home-baked munchies. 8pm. CC 110.”
[source: Chevron, Vol.18, No.29, 1978, January 20 (Friday), “twoc,” p.2.]
[categories: community groups | women's groups | feminism | Kitchener-Waterloo | LOOK]

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1978, January 25 (Wednesday) * WUGLM: Coffee House

Wednesday ... Coffeehouse. 8:30pm. CC 110. Sponsored by Gay Lib.”
[source: Chevron, Vol.18, No.29, 1978, January 20 (Friday), “twoc,” p.2.]
[categories: campus groups | UW groups | WUGLM | meetings]

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1978, January 27 (Friday) * Chevron: Ad for WUGLM Counselling & Information

On p.4 of Chevron, Vol.18, No.30, 1978, January 27 (Friday), in the “classified” section under “Personal” was the following notice. “Gay Lib Office, Campus Centre, Rm. 217C. Open Monday-Thursday 7-10pm, some afternoons. Counselling and information. Phone 885-1211 ext. #### [WUGLM's telephone line].”
[source: Chevron, Vol.18, No.30, 1978, January 27 (Friday), p.4.]
[categories: campus groups | UW groups | Chevron | WUGLM]

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1978, February 1 (Wednesday) * WUGLM: Coffee House

Wednesday ... Coffee House. Sponsored by Gay Lib. 8:30pm. CC 110.”
[source: Chevron, Vol.18, No.30, 1978, January 27 (Friday), “twoc,” p.2.]
[categories: campus groups | UW groups | WUGLM | meetings]

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1978, February 3 (Friday) * Chevron: Ad for WUGLM Counselling & Information

On p.4 of Chevron, Vol.18, No.31, 1978, February 3 (Friday), in the “classified” section under “Personal” was the following notice. “Gay Lib Office, Campus Centre, Rm. 217C. Open Monday-Thursday 7-10pm, some afternoons. Counselling and information. Phone 885-1211 ext. #### [WUGLM's telephone line].”
[source: Chevron, Vol.18, No.31, 1978, February 3 (Friday), p.4.]
[categories: campus groups | UW groups | Chevron | WUGLM]

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1978, February 8 (Wednesday) * WUGLM: Coffee House

Wednesday ... Coffeehouse. CC 110. 8:30pm. Sponsored by Gay Lib.”
[source: Chevron, Vol.18, No.31, 1978, February 3 (Friday), “twoc,” p.2.]
[categories: campus groups | UW groups | WUGLM | meetings]

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1978, February 10 (Friday) * Chevron: Ad for WUGLM Counselling & Information

On p.4 of Chevron, Vol.18, No.32, 1978, February 10 (Friday), in the “classified” section under “Personal” was the following notice. “Gay Lib Office, Campus Centre, Rm. 217C. Open Monday-Thursday 7-10pm, some afternoons. Counselling and information. Phone 885-1211 ext. #### [WUGLM's telephone line].”
[source: Chevron, Vol.18, No.32, 1978, February 10 (Friday), p.4.]
[categories: campus groups | UW groups | Chevron | WUGLM]

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1978, February 15 (Wednesday) * WUGLM: Coffee House

Wednesday ... Coffee House. 8:30pm. CC 110. Sponsored by Gay Lib.”
[source: Chevron, Vol.18, No.32, 1978, February 10 (Friday), “twoc,” p.2.]
[categories: campus groups | UW groups | WUGLM | meetings]

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1978, February 17 (Friday) * Chevron: Ad for WUGLM Counselling & Information

On p.4 of Chevron, Vol.18, No.33, 1978, February 17 (Friday), in the “classified” section under “Personal” was the following notice. “Gay Lib Office, Campus Centre, Rm. 217C. Open Monday-Thursday 7-10pm, some afternoons. Counselling and information. Phone 885-1211 ext. #### [WUGLM's telephone line].”
[source: Chevron, Vol.18, No.33, 1978, February 17 (Friday), p.4.]
[categories: campus groups | UW groups | Chevron | WUGLM]

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1978, February 17 (Friday) * Chevron: Letter: Anita Bryant Anti-Homosexual Crusade: Against

On p.23 of Chevron, Vol.18, No.33, 1978, February 17 (Friday), in the “feedback” section there was an letter by Wiz Long (designated as belonging to the Pequegnat Collective, Kitchener) entitled “Today's is sexist”. The text of the letter was as follows. “In times of economic hardship, political uncertainty and social confusion, repressive forces emerge the strongest. Even such a ‘liberated and enlightened’ institution as the University of Waterloo is not protected against so-called sincere and well-meaning individuals who want to restrict the freedom of people who do not agree with their absolutes. I am referring to the weekly, today's student which is freely distributed on campus. In particular I wish to draw attention to the latest issue which reported an exclusive interview with Anita Bryant. The article on Anita Bryant is an abhorrent piece of journalism. It is biased, sensational, and its partial truths present a distorted picture of homosexuality. For example, the article quotes the Los Angeles Times to support their anti-gay arguments, and by itself the quote is very damning of gays. Rather than the screaming title ‘30,000 children sexually abused by homosexuals in Los Angeles’, it would have been more factual had the line read ‘112,500 children sexually abused by heterosexuals . . .’ I base my statistic on another quote taken from the same newpaper. On October 28, 1973 the Los Angeles Time quoted from a report by the State Department of Mental Hygiene in the matter of child molestation.

‘That study of 887 pedophiles (persons favouring children as partners) at Atascadero State Hospital — 65% of them from Los Angeles County — revealed that 75% were heterosexual, while only 20% were (exclusively) homosexual.’
If the above example had been placed juxtaposed with the quote from today's student, then a different understanding of the problem of child abuse emerges. Since the writer of the Anita Bryant article only picked quotes which condemns [sic] homosexuals, the whole article is reduced to propaganda of the worst sort — hate literature. Obviously there are ‘good’ guys and ‘bad’ guys among both homosexuals and heterosexuals and articles that blame the whole because of the few are scapegoating. To insinuate a casual [sic] connection between a person's choice of lover and such heinous crimes as rape and child abuse is faulty logic as the one does not necessarily lead to the other. Who is the real enemy in our midst? Homosexuals who, by and large, are ordinary citizens who are desirous only of living as free human beings without being coerced into set roles and patterns which serve no one but the status quo, or fundamental christians like Anita Bryant, the members of Renaissance and those who work for the propaganda weekly, today's student? These people are using the bible as a social weapon to pervert, harm and dehumanize any person who does not conform to their nihilistic ideals.”
[source: Chevron, Vol.18, No.33, 1978, February 17 (Friday), “feedback”, p.23.]
[categories: campus groups | UW groups | Chevron | WUGLM]

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1978, February 17 (Friday) * Chevron: Letter: Anita Bryant Anti-Homosexual Crusade: Against

On p.23 of Chevron, Vol.18, No.33, 1978, February 17 (Friday), in the “feedback” section, following the letter by Wiz Long, there was an letter by Joe Szalai (designated as at 43 Pequegnat Ave., No. 3, Kitchener) entitled “and biased”. The text of the letter was as follows. “After having read the latest issue of today's student, I am outraged that such hate literature is allowed to be freely distributed on campus. Can anything be done to stop it? Anita Bryant and her backers are well-organized, lavishly financed and energetic. They are also sexist. They see only one role for women and only one role for men. They are opposed to the rights of children, women and gays. In attacking gays, today's student has shown itself to part of the rightist offensive and should not go unchallenged. It is no coincidence that at this time today's student is trying to create and bolster anti-gay sentiment. The Legislature in Toronto will shortly consider the inclusion of ‘sexual orientation’ in the anti-discrimination provisions of the Ontario Human Rights Code. If the right is successful in this campaign of distortion, hate and misunderstanding, then the protection of gay people will not be included in the Human Rights Code. If that happens, gays could be fired from any job, denied housing, denied access to government services simply because of whom they love. The forces of the right are on the move and today's student is part of this reaction. I challenge all ‘progressive’ students to speak out against all aspects of oppression whether it be economic, social, racial or sexual.”
[source: Chevron, Vol.18, No.33, 1978, February 17 (Friday), “feedback”, p.23.]
[categories: campus groups | UW groups | Chevron | WUGLM]

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1978, February 22 (Wednesday) * WUGLM: Coffee House

Wednesday ... Coffeehouse. 8:30pm. CC 110. Sponsored by Gay Lib.”
[source: Chevron, Vol.18, No.33, 1978, February 17 (Friday), “twoc,” p.2.]
[categories: campus groups | UW groups | WUGLM | meetings]

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1978, March 3 (Friday) * Chevron: Feedback - “Long live Anita!?!”

Long live Anita!?! In this satirical letter to the Editor, Jim Parrott pretended to sympathize with supporters of Anita Bryant. He portrayed himself as a gay man who finally realized that he needed conversion therapy. Near the beginning of the letter, he said “My tale is a sad one. As a child I was bitten by a homosexual. I found the experience to agreeable that shortly thereafter I enlisted in the Gay Liberation Commandos. Soon, I too was out "recruiting", as we say in gay slang. I would conceal myself behind a tree at night-time, spring upon an unsuspecting passerby and bite him soundly on the neck. It was a rewarding life: or so it seemed. But eventually the late nights took their toll. My teeth began to lose their lustre. Some even fell out. Was it just old age, I wondered, or was it ... the WAGES OF SIN?!?” Parrott went on to indicate that he had read about Anita Bryant's "Homosexual Redemption Centres" (the actual term used by Bryant was "homosexual rehabilitation centres") and “read how cases even worse than mine had been saved by the correct application of evangelical science.” He went on to say that “I sought out the nearest HRC and turned myself in.” He then provided a fictional account of the techniques of redemption used at the HRC; they amounted essentially to attempting to suppress sexual urges - which is pretty close to how so-called conversion therapies operated in real life. He mentioned specifically crocheting doilies and baking cupcakes as techniques whereby “the once-awesome energies of homosexual lust could be transformed into more wholesome ends through the simple manipulation of crochet hooks or baking utensils.”
[source: Chevron, Vol.18, No.35, 1978, March 3 (Friday), “Feedback,” p.21.]
[categories: campus groups | UW groups | WUGLM | meetings]

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1978, March (Tuesdays) * Chevron: Lesbian Organization of Kitchener (LOOK) Meetings

Lesbian Organization of Kitchener (L.O.O.K.) We are a group of women meeting every second Tuesday to organize alternative events to bars and dances. Our basic purpose is to bring together gay women (but not excluding women as a group) and to nuture our strength and identity as lesbians. If you wish to know more, please come out to a meeting. LOOK needs you; LOOK is you!! For more info: Gay Lib ext. 2372. 8 pm. Gay Lib Office.
[source: Chevron, Vol.18, No.36, 1978, March 10 (Friday), TWOC, p.2.]

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1978, March 10 (Friday) * Chevron: Ad for Gay Lib Office

Gay Lib Office. Campus Centre Rm. 217C. Open from Monday-Thursday 7-10pm, some afternoons. Counselling and information. Phone 885-1211 ext. 2372.”
[source: Chevron, Vol.18, No.36, 1978, March 10 (Friday), classified, p.4.]

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1978, March 10 (Friday) * Chevron: Letter to the Editor: Paper Defended

Paper Defended. In this letter to the Editor, Peter Hafeman replied to a letter from Goz Lyv in the Feb.24 issue entitled “Recognize the enemy.” Hafeman stated that Lyv “falsely maintains that Anita Bryant's interview in the Feb. 8 issue of Today's Student is a hateful attack against homosexuals.” Hafeman indicated that Bryant was only “against the militant movement which, if allowed, would incorporate homosexual role models into elementary school programs and other educational institutions.” Hafeman defended Today's Student by saying that it “shows the relevance of Christian ethics for our society” and that it is not controlled by fascists as Lyv had claimed.
[source: Chevron, Vol.18, No.36, 1978, March 10 (Friday), feedback, p.20.]

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1978, March 10 (Friday) * Chevron: Letter to the Editor: Human Rights

Human Rights. In this letter to the Editor, Dr. J. Schroeder (Professor of Civil Engineering) took issue with the letter by Wiz Long in the February 17 issue entitled “Today's is Sexist ”, in which Long criticized the interview with Anita Bryant in Today's Student, and described that paper as a propaganda weekly. Schroeder indicated that the Bible condemned homosexuality; he then launched into one of his lengthy Christian diatribes.
[source: Chevron, Vol.18, No.36, 1978, March 10 (Friday), feedback, pp.20-21.]

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1978, March - June * Guelph Gay Equality (GGE): Women's Dance & Gay Youth Group

“Guelph Gay Equality had a successful womens dance in late March and expanded in June with a Gay Youth Group.”
[source: OUT!, Vol. 1, No. 1, November 1978, p.4 (an article entitled “GGE 5 Years”).]
[categories: campus groups | Guelph groups | GGE]

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1978, May 18 * Gay Rights Organization of Waterloo (GROW) [pre-split group]

1978 saw the formation of a Kitchener-Waterloo-based group with the acronym GROW. According to an article in OUT! (February 1979, Vol. 1 No. 3, pp.3-4), this group was initially known as Gay Rights Organization of Waterloo (GROW). That article indicated that the group was going through a split in December 1978, the first documentary evidence of which being a December 4th, 1978 letter by Dave Jones entitled “Let Us Reason Together (In Defense of GROW),” which was distributed at the Bridgeport Community dance. The text of that letter was reprinted on p.3 of the OUT! article. In the letter, Dave Jones argued that GROW can fill a serious need in the gay community by providing social activities, without having to engage in political action. The letter also ascribed most of the criticism of GROW to “those who align themselves with the radical elements of the gay community, who believe it necessary to perpetuate confrontation in order to achieve their goals.” The OUT! article indicated that some members of the Kitchener-Waterloo Gay Media Collective had in fact raised questions about the goals of GROW, and were later removed from the mailing list of GROW. The author of the OUT! article acknowledged the need for more social activities in which gay people could feel comfortable, but believed that it was equally important to continue to engage in political action.
[source: OUT!, Vol. 1, No. 3, February 1979, pp.3-4.]

An announcement on p.1 of the 1978, June Issue of the GGE Newsletter reads: “The Gay Rights Organization of Waterloo held its first meeting on May 18. It will serve the KW area. If you want more info or their newsletter, write GROW, Box 2632, Stn B, Kitchener, Ontario. N2H 6N2.”

As for the timing of the split, we find a few more clues in the first and second GROW Newsletter. It should be noted that none of the GROW Newletters, includingthe first one (October 1978), contained the designation “Gay Rights Organization of Waterloo” in them. The header for the first Newsletter read only: “GROW Your Community Newsletter.” In spite of the omission of the longer designation, the list of executive members given on p.2 of the October 1978 Newsletter still included the names of Joe Szalai, Gov Lyv, and Cindy Butcher, all three of whom were part of the Kitchener-Waterloo Gay Media Collective. Their names, however, were omitted from the list of executive members on page 1 of the second GROW Newsletter, dated December 1978. This information, along with the December 4, 1978 letter by Dave Jones, suggests that the rift in the organization was pretty much complete in December 1978. We therefore take this as the date of the split into two entities: GROW (whose pupose was arranging for social activities for its members) and GROW - Gay Rights Organization of Waterloo (whose purposes included political action as well as social activities).
[source: GROW Newsletter, First Issue, October 1978, p.1; GROW Newsletter, Second Issue, December 1978, p.1.]
[categories: Waterloo Region | community groups | GROW | Gay Rights of Waterloo]

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1978, March (Tuesdays) * Chevron: Lesbian Organization of Kitchener (LOOK) Meetings

Lesbian Organization of Kitchener (L.O.O.K.) We are a group of women meeting every second Tuesday to organize alternative events to bars and dances. Our basic purpose is to bring together gay women (but not excluding women as a group) and to nuture our strength and identity as lesbians. If you wish to know more, please come out to a meeting. LOOK needs you; LOOK is you! For more info: Gay Liberation Movement, ext. 2372. 8pm. Gay Lib Office.
[source: Chevron, Vol.18, No.38, 1978, March 23 (Thursday), TWOC, p.2.]

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1978, March 23 (Thursday) * Chevron: Ad for Gay Lib Office

Gay Lib Office. Campus Centre Rm. 217C. Open from Monday-Thursday 7-10pm, some afternoons. Counselling and information. Phone 885-1211 ext. 2372.”
[source: Chevron, Vol.18, No.38, 1978, March 23 (Thursday), classified, p.4.]

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1978, March 23 (Thursday) * Chevron: Ad for Gay Lib Office

Gay Lib Office. Campus Centre Rm. 217C. Open from Monday-Thursday 7-10pm, some afternoons. Counselling and information. Phone 885-1211 ext. 2372.”
[source: Chevron, Vol.18, No.38, 1978, March 23 (Thursday), classified, p.4.]

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1978, March 23 (Thursday) * Chevron: Letter to the Editor: Long Live AHB (L)....

Long Live AHB (L)..... In this letter to the Editor, Goz Lyv replied to Peter Hafeman's response to Lyv's criticism of the Anita Bryant interview in the Christian weekly Today's Student. Lyv stated that “As long as homosexuality is not totally accepted by society as a legitimate facet of human sexuality, there will always be discrimination against all gays.” Lyv went on to say that “As long as the heterosexist view is the only one allowed in the schools, hate and fear will continue to be the only emotion instilled into children's minds.” Lyv concludes with a dig at the local Community Party by mimicking their name — CPC (M-L) — as he playfully proposed the establishment of a group to be called “Ad Hoc Brigade (Lavender) To Perpetrate Political Fanaticism And Turn All Children Into Immoral Homosexuals —AHB(L)TPPFATACIIH$$”
[source: Chevron, Vol.18, No.38, 1978, March 23 (Thursday), feedback, p.16.]

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1978, March 23 (Thursday) * Chevron: Letter to the Editor: More to Hafeman

More to Hafeman In this letter to the Editor, Joe Szalai replied to Peter Hafeman's response to Lyv's criticism of the Anita Bryant interview in the Christian weekly Today's Student. Szalai stated that “Hafeman's argument is a common one with homophobes. They argue that children need massive child care and protection. And for good reason: they are being brainwashed into becoming straight, production units in patriarchal capitalism.” He went on to say that “Gays do not want to be role models. We want the rights that should be extended to everyone. We want to be protected from being fired from jobs because of whom we love. We want the right to be KNOWN to be gay by our co-workers and the children themselves. Anything else would confirm the lie that our sexuality is somehow harmful to children.” He also said that “We want them to grow up free of the sexism that has ruined the lives of so many.” He concluded by throwing the following questions back to Hafeman: “What is heterosexuality? And what causes it?
[source: Chevron, Vol.18, No.38, 1978, March 23 (Thursday), feedback, p.17.]

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1978, March 23 (Thursday) * Chevron: Letter to the Editor: Great?

Great? In this very short letter to the Editor, N.J. Livesey said “As a non-christian, I nevertheless respect Dr. Schroeder's right to worship his God in whatever way he pleases (feedback Mar 10). I will even defend his rights against all comers, counting this as no virtue in me, but my simple duty as his fellow-citizen. As a non-homosexual, Dr. Schroeder wishes to abridge my civil rights, control my free choice of sexual partner, limit my choice of careers, and end my freedom of speech. Great!”
[source: Chevron, Vol.18, No.38, 1978, March 23 (Thursday), feedback, p.17.]

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1978, July * Guelph Gay Equality (GGE): 6th National Gay Conference, Halifax

“In July we sent a delegate to the 6th National Gay Conference in Halifax, where we took on the responsibility of regional co-ordinating of the CLGRC.”
[source: OUT!, Vol. 1, No. 1, November 1978, p.4 (an article entitled “GGE 5 Years”).]
[categories: campus groups | Guelph groups | GGE | conferences]

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1978, Summer ? * K-W Gay Media Collective

1978 saw the beginning of the Kitchener-Waterloo Gay Media Collective, which appears to have lasted until at least the early 1980s. This group published OUT! newsletter. It also started the radio program Gay News and Views in the summer of 1978, which appears to have been the earliest gay radio show in Canada.
[source: Jim Parrott.]

“The Kitchener-Waterloo Gay Media Collective is a group of openly gay and politically active people. We bring you Gay News and Views on radio three times a week. We bring you movies. We bring you 'OUT'.”
[source: OUT!, Vol. 1, No. 1, November 1978, p.2.]
[categories: Waterloo Region | community groups | K-W Gay Media Collective]

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1978, August 9 (Wednesday) * K-W Gay Media Collective: Gay News & Views

“‘Gay News and Views’ has been broadcast regularly since August 9, 1978 on CKMS-FM...” (CKMS was the University of Waterloo campus radio station.)
[source: OUT!, Vol. 1, No. 4, March 1979, p.2.]
[categories: Waterloo Region | community groups | K-W Gay Media Collective | Gay News & Views]

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1978, Fall Semester * Guelph Gay Equality (GGE): Activities

“Beginning the fall semester, we have had womens' film nights, pot-luck dinners, Brent Hawkes from the MCC, Transvestites in Toronto as guest speakers, and our best achievement, a social evening with parents and relatives of gays. In the future, we hope for an open house and more contact with other social services. Not bad for a group merely five years young. For more information, we may be reached at ###-####.”
[source: OUT!, Vol. 1, No. 1, November 1978, p.4 (an article entitled “GGE 5 Years”).]
[categories: campus groups | Guelph groups | GGE]

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1978, October * GROW Newsletter, First Issue, October 1978

The first issue of the GROW Newsletter was dated October 1978, and had the header: “GROW Your Community Newsletter.” In October 1978, the sponsoring group, Gay Rights Organization of Waterloo (GROW), had not yet split into two separate entities, one purely social and the other also interested in political action. Although the split was yet to come, the first issue of the Newsletter makes no reference to its original name, “Gay Rights Organization of Waterloo”, and describes itself only by the acronym “GROW”. In spite of the omission of the longer designation, the list of executive members given on p.2 of the October 1978 Newsletter still included the names of Joe Szalai, Gov Lyv, and Cindy Butcher, all three of whom were part of the Kitchener-Waterloo Gay Media Collective. Their names, however, were omitted from the list of executive members on page 1 of the second GROW Newsletter, dated December 1978.
[source: GROW Newsletter, First Issue, October 1978.]

In the first paragraph of the first issue of the GROW Newsletter, the President apologised for “this newsletter taking so long to get going.” In the second paragraph, we read: “During the past few months your executive committee have been resolving a lot of little problems with regard to the purpose of the organisation itself.” The fourth paragraph indicated that the group wanted to “provide a place for us to meet and socialise. And our ultimate goal is to achieve equal Human Rights for us all.” A planning meeting for special events was set for Sunday November 5. The next annual general meeting was planned as “our first formal dinner meeting and will be held in the Banquet Room of the Swiss Castle Inn, Monday November 20 at 7:00 p.m.” The Newsletter also indicated that future meetings would be less formal and include more socializing. The Newsletter also listed the names and telephone numbers of executive members.
[source: GROW Newsletter, First Issue, October 1978]
[categories: Waterloo Region | community groups | GROW | Gay Rights of Waterloo | GROW Newsletter]

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1978, October 5 (Thursday) * WUGLM: Looking for Lesbians

On p.2 of Imprint, Vol.1, No.7, 1978, October 5 (Thursday), in a section entitled “News Shorts,” the following note appeared: “Gay Lib Movement Expands Scope The Gay Liberation Movement at UW wants to shed its image of male domination, according to Marg Leighton, newly elected president of the organization. Leighton told Imprint that Gay Lib at UW has lacked participation by lesbians, and in order to correct the situation and bring more lesbians ‘out of the closet,’ counselling by female gay libbers is now available for the first time on campus.”
[source: Imprint, Vol.1, No.7, 1978, October 5 (Thursday), “News Shorts” p.2.]
[categories: campus groups | UW groups | WUGLM]

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1978, October 8 (Sunday) * K-W Gay Media Collective: Gay News & Views

Sunday, October 8 Gay News and Views, broadcast on CKMS-FM 8:30-9:30 pm.”
[source: Imprint, Vol.1, No.7, 1978, October 5 (Thursday), “Campus Events,” p.1.]
[categories: Waterloo Region | community groups | K-W Gay Media Collective | Gay News & Views]

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1978, October 10 (Tuesday) * K-W Gay Media Collective: Gay News & Views

Tuesday, October 10 ... Gays news: see Sunday [i.e. see entry for October 8].”
[source: Imprint, Vol.1, No.7, 1978, October 5 (Thursday), “Campus Events,” p.1.]
[categories: Waterloo Region | community groups | K-W Gay Media Collective | Gay News & Views]

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1978, October 11 (Wednesday) * WUGLM: Gay Lib Coffeehouse

Wednesday, October 11 ... Gay Lib Coffeehouse, 8:30 - 11 pm in CC 110. All welcome.”
[source: Imprint, Vol.1, No.7, 1978, October 5 (Thursday), “Campus Events,” p.1.]
[categories: campus groups | UW groups | WUGLM | meetings]

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1978, October 15 (Sunday) * K-W Gay Media Collective: Gay News & Views

Sunday, October 15 ... Gay news and views broadcast on CKMS-FM from 8:30-9:30 pm.”
[source: Imprint, Vol.1, No.8, 1978, October 12 (Thursday), “Campus Events,” p.1.]
[categories: Waterloo Region | community groups | K-W Gay Media Collective | Gay News & Views]

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1978, October 25 (Wednesday) * WUGLM: Gay Lib Coffeehouse

Wednesday, October 25 ... Gay Lib Coffeehouse, 8:30 pm in CC 110.”
[source: Imprint, Vol.1, No.9, 1978, October 19 (Thursday), “Campus Events,” p.1.]
[categories: campus groups | UW groups | WUGLM | meetings]

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1978, November * K-W Gay Media Collective: OUT! Vol. 1, No. 1

The Kitchener-Waterloo Gay Media Collective published 7 issues of OUT! from November 1978 to June 1979. The membership of the Editorial Collective varied from issue to issue; for the final issue, No.7, it was comprised of Wayne Bell, Wiz Long and Joe Szalai. The banner under the title reads “Kitchener-Waterloo-Guelph-Cambridge.” The first issue, Vol. 1, No. 1, included: “The Naked Civil Servant” presented by the Collective, three poems, and a history of the first five years of Guelph Gay Equality. There were also advertisements for Waterloo Universities Gay Liberation Movement, Kitchener-Waterloo Gay Media Collective, Gay News & Views, Achilles Heel (Disco, Dancing, Dining - possibly catering to the rainbow community), Guelph Gay Equality, GROW (Gay Rights Organization of Waterloo), LOOK (Lesbian Organization of Kitchener) and the Body Politic (Toronto).
[source: OUT!, Vol. 1, No. 1, November 1978; and OUT!, Vol. 1, No. 7, June 1979.]
[categories: Waterloo Region | community groups | K-W Gay Media Collective | publications | OUT!]

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1978, November 1 (Wednesday) * WUGLM: Gay Lib Coffeehouse

Wednesday, November 1 ... Gay Lib Coffeehouse, CC 110, 8:30. C'mon out of the closet!”
[source: Imprint, Vol.1, No.10, 1978, October 26 (Thursday), “Campus Events,” p.1.]
[categories: campus groups | UW groups | WUGLM | meetings]

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1978, November 5 (Sunday) * GROW Special Events Rally

GROW's Special Events Co-ordinator, Tony, planned a “Special Events Rally, Sunday November 5 at 2:00 p.m.” in order get some feedback to help make plans for special events.
[source: GROW Newsletter, First Issue, October 1978, p.1.]
[categories: Waterloo Region | community groups | GROW | Gay Rights of Waterloo]

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1978, November 8 (Wednesday) * WUGLM: Gay Lib Coffeehouse

Wednesday, November 8 ... Gay Lib Coffeehouse, CC110, 8:30, come and meet some friends.”
[source: Imprint, Vol.1, No.11, 1978, November 2 (Thursday), “Campus Events,” p.1.]
[categories: campus groups | UW groups | WUGLM | meetings]

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1978, November 13 & 14 * K-W Gay Media Collective: A Screening of The Naked Civil Servant

The Kitchener-Waterloo Gay Media Collective presented a screening of The Naked Civil Servant on November 13 & 14 at 22 1/2 King St. S. in Waterloo. The film was a dramatization of the life of Quentin Crisp, a famous English gay man of the day.
[source: OUT!, Vol. 1, No. 1, November 1978, p.2.]
[categories: Waterloo Region | community groups | K-W Gay Media Collective | film screening]

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1978, November 15 (Wednesday) * WUGLM: Gay Lib Coffeehouse

Wednesday, November 15 ... Gay Lib Coffeehouse, CC 110, 8:30 pm. Don't be afraid to come in.”
[source: Imprint, Vol.1, No.12, 1978, November 9 (Thursday), “Campus Events,” p.1.]
[categories: campus groups | UW groups | WUGLM | meetings]

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1978, November 16 (Thursday) * University of Waterloo: Imprint: Campus Question: Anti-Homosexual Literature on Campus

On p.4 of the Imprint, Vol.1, No.13, 1978, November 16 (Thursday), the Campus Question was “What do you think about removing anti-homosexual literature, such as ‘Today's Student,’ from the Campus Centre?” Four students were interviewed, one in favour, three opposed on the grounds that such a ban would constitute a violation of an indiviual's right to read what they choose.
[source: Imprint, Vol.1, No.13, 1978, November 16 (Thursday), “Campus Events,” p.4.]
[categories: University of Waterloo | Imprint]

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1978, November 16 (Thursday) * University of Waterloo: Imprint: Rocky Horror Picture Show

On p.8 of the Imprint, Vol.1, No.13, 1978, November 16 (Thursday), was a review (entitled “Not for a prude”) of a screening of the “The Rocky Horror Picture Show” in Village I on the UW campus, the previous Thursday. The reviewer, John Rebstock, referred to the wierdnesss of the movie, in particular the conversion of the young couple to “wearing garter belts and celebrating kinky bisexualism.” The reviewer expressed the opinion that the weakeness of the film was “its presentation of its subject as natural and normal.”
[source: Imprint, Vol.1, No.13, 1978, November 16 (Thursday), “Campus Events,” p.8.]
[categories: University of Waterloo | Imprint]

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1978, November 20 (Monday) * GROW General Meeting & Formal Dinner

“Our next general meeting will be a change of pace. It will be our first formal dinner meeting and will be held in the Banquet Room of the Swiss Castle Inn, Monday November 20 at 7:00 p.m. Snitzel Dinner will be served at a cost of $7.00 per person. Bar service will be available throughout the evening. Tickets for this meeting are available through any member of the executive. Events for the evening will include a special Guest Speaker and a few other surprises.”
[source: GROW Newsletter, First Issue, October 1978, p.2.]

The second issue of the GROW Newsletter contained the following report on the November 20th dinner meeting. “On Monday, November 20, 1978 at 7:00 pm, GROW had its first dinner meeting at the Swiss Castle Inn. Thirty-five people attended the dinner which featured wiener schnitzel. After the talk, Mrs. Kitty Frances of Regional Social Services gave a talk on ‘feelings and learning to like yourself.’ During the evening there was a ‘pot of gold’ draw (the winner was not present) and then we played games.” This was followed by an artist singing and playing the guitar. The final assessment being: “All in all the evening was a tremendous success.”
[source: GROW Newsletter, Second Issue, December 1978, p.2.]
[categories: Waterloo Region | community groups | GROW | Gay Rights of Waterloo]

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1978, November 22 (Wednesday) * WUGLM: Gay Lib Coffeehouse

Wednesday, November 22 ... Gay Lib Coffeehouse. CC 110 at 8:30 pm.”
[source: Imprint, Vol.1, No.13, 1978, November 16 (Thursday), “Campus Events,” p.1.]
[categories: campus groups | UW groups | WUGLM | meetings]

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1978, November 29 (Wednesday) * WUGLM: Gay Lib Coffeehouse

Wednesday, November 29 ... Gay Lib Coffeehouse, 8:30 pm in CC 110. Don't be shy!”
[source: Imprint, Vol.1, No.14, 1978, November 23 (Thursday), “Campus Events,” p.1.]
[categories: campus groups | UW groups | WUGLM | meetings]

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1978, December * GROW Newsletter, Second Issue: December 1978

The second issue of the GROW Newsletter, No. 1.2, December 1978, included: information on the membership cards for 1979, an announcement of the next general meeting of GROW (to be held on Sunday, December 17, 1978), a list of the current GROW executive positions (with the names and telephone numbers for positions filled, and blanks for the unfilled positions), a report on GROW's first dinner meeting (Monday, November 20), an announcement that the next dinner had been planned (Monday, January 15, 1979), an explanation of how the Pot of Gold Draw at these events worked, and an announcement that there would an election at the next general meeting (December 17, 1978) to fill three general member seats on the Executive Committee.
[source: GROW Newsletter, Second Issue, December 1978.]
[categories: Waterloo Region | community groups | GROW | publications | GROW Newsletter]

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1978, December * GROW [social, non-political post-split group]

GROW resulted from a division of Gay Rights Organization of Waterloo (GROW), which had been formed a few months earlier (likely in the Summer of 1978), into GROW (devoted to arranging social events) and GROW - Gay Rights Organization of Waterloo (political action and social activities). The start date of this new group was around December, 1978, the time of the split of the original group into two groups. Evidence for taking December 1978 as the split date is found in the first two GROW Newsletters (dated October and December, 1978), a public letter by Dave Jones (dated December 4, 1978) and an article in OUT!, Vol. 1, No. 3, February 1979, pp.3-4.
[source: GROW Newsletter, October 1978, p.1; GROW Newsletter, December 1978, p.1; OUT!, Vol. 1, No. 3, February 1979, pp.3-4.]

The social group, GROW, existed until at least 1980.
[source: GROW Newsletter, 1980, first edition.]
[categories: Waterloo Region | community groups | GROW]

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1978, December * GROW - Gay Rights Organization of Waterloo [political & social post-split group]

GROW (Gay Rights Organization of Waterloo) resulted from a division of Gay Rights Organization of Waterloo (GROW), which had been formed a few months earlier (likely in the Summer of 1978), into GROW (devoted to arranging social events) and GROW - Gay Rights Organization of Waterloo (political action and social activities). The start date of this new group was around December, 1978, the time of the split of the original group into two groups. Evidence for taking December 1978 as the split date is found in the first two GROW Newsletters (dated October and December, 1978), a public letter by Dave Jones (dated December 4, 1978) and an article in OUT!, Vol. 1, No. 3, February 1979, pp.3-4. It is not clear how long this new group existed.
[source: GROW Newsletter, First Issue, October 1978, p.1; GROW Newsletter, Second Issue, December 1978, p.1; OUT!, Vol. 1, No. 3, February 1979, pp.3-4.]
[categories: Waterloo Region | community groups | Gay Rights Organization of Waterloo]

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1978, December * K-W Gay Media Collective: OUT! Vol. 1, No. 2

The second issue, Vol. 1, No. 2, included: an editorial on gay rights, an article on the defeat in California of the Briggs Initiative (whose goal was the firing of gay or gay-friendly teachers in the state of California), a letter to the editor, an announcement of an X-mas dance to be held by WUGLM, a piece on Gay News & Views (noting a new time slot for the three weekly broadcasts), four poems, an extensive interview with Quentin Crisp, a short story. There were also advertisements for LOOK (Lesbian Organization of Kitchener), GROW (Gay Rights Organization of Waterloo), Kitchener-Waterloo Gay Media Collective, Waterloo Universities Gay Liberation Movement, Achilles Heel, the John Damien Foundation Defence Fund, Guelph Gay Equality, and “Crimes Against Nature” (a play performed in Toronto by the San Francisco Gay Men's Theatre Collective), and a few advertisements for restaurants.
[source: OUT!, Vol. 1, No. 2, December 1978.]
[categories: Waterloo Region | community groups | K-W Gay Media Collective | publications | OUT!]

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1978, December 6 (Wednesday) * WUGLM: Gay Lib Coffeehouse

Wednesday, December 6 ... Gay Lib Coffeehouse, 8:30 pm in CC 110. Come out of the closet!”
[source: Imprint, Vol.1, No.15, 1978, November 30 (Thursday), “Campus Events,” p.1.]

On p.1 of the Misprint Edition of 1978, December 5 (Tuesday), is the following satirical announcement: “Wednesday, December 6 ... Gay Lib coffeehouse, 8 pm in the closet next to the games room.”
[source: Imprint, Vol.1, No.16, 1978, December 5 (Tuesday), Misprint Edition, “Campus Events,” p.1.]
[categories: campus groups | UW groups | WUGLM | meetings]

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1978, December 15 (Friday) * WUGLM: Christmas Dance

Waterloo Universities Gay Liberation Movement (WUGLM) organized a Christmas Dance to be held “Friday December 15th, Math & Computer rm. 5136, 5th floor lounge, doors open at 8:00 p.m. Live entertainment by Willow.”
[source: OUT!, Vol. 1, No. 2, December 1978, p.3.]
[categories: campus groups | UW groups | WUGLM | dances]

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1978, December 17 (Sunday) * GROW General Meeting & Election of Members

Page 1 of the GROW Newsletter, Second Issue, December 1978, announced that the next general meeting of GROW would be held on Sunday, December 17, 1978, beginning shortly after 7:00 pm. Page 2 of the GROW Newsletter, Second Issue, December 1978, pointed out that at this meeting there would “be an election for three general members to sit on the Executive Committee.”
[source: GROW Newsletter, Second Issue, December 1978, pp.1-2.]
[categories: Waterloo Region | community groups | GROW]

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1978, December 30 (Saturday) * K-W Record: Article on the Local Gay Community

“On Dec. 30 the K-W Record ran a feature article on the gay community in this area. The article dealt with some of the problems that gays face when we come out. The feature was sensitively written and was favourably received in the gay community. Reaction from the ‘straight’ community was mixed. Several letters have appeared in the ‘letters to the editor’ column in the Record. So far there have been 3 anti-gay letters and 4 pro-gay letters.”
[source: OUT!, Vol. 1, No. 3, February 1979, p.9.]
[categories: Waterloo Region | K-W Record]

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