1976, January * Guelph Gay Equality (GGE): Phoneline Training
“January 1976. A weekend phoneline counsellor training session was held with staff
from the Department of Psychological Services at the University of Guelph.”;
[source: OUT!,
Vol. 1, No. 1, November 1978, p.4 (an article entitled
“GGE 5 Years”).]
[categories: campus groups | Guelph groups | GGE | Phoneline Counselling]
1976, January 9 (Friday) * Chevron: Ad for WUGLM Counselling & Information
On p.4 of Chevron,
Vol.16, No.27, 1976, January 9 (Friday), in the “classified” section under
“Personal” was the following notice.
“Gay Lib Office, Campus Centre Rm. 217C. Open Monday-Thursday 7-10pm, some
afternoons. Counselling and information. Phone 885-1211 ext. #### [WUGLM's telephone
[source: Chevron,
Vol.16, No.27, 1976, January 9 (Friday), p.4.]
[categories: campus groups | UW groups | Chevron | WUGLM]
1976, January 9 (Friday) * Chevron: Article: Groups Join to Produce Newsletter
On p.3 of Chevron,
Vol.16, No.27, 1976, January 9 (Friday), was an article by Michael Gordon entitled
“Groups join to produce newsletter” describing a new community newsletter that was
being started up.
The article began as follows.
“Twenty-five Kitchener-Waterloo community groups have joined forces to produce a monthly
community newsletter. The first issue, now in preparation will be distributed later this
The article noted that “Each community group will outline their goals and ongoing programmes
in the first issue.”
It also pointed out that the newsletter was being started up because of poor coverage of the
activities of the community groups in the Kitchener-Waterloo commercial newspapers, all under the
control of the Kitchener-Waterloo Record.
The article mentioned the names of some of the community groups involved, among which was
“Gay Liberation”.
[source: Chevron,
Vol.16, No.27, 1976, January 9 (Friday), p.3.]
[categories: campus groups | UW groups | Chevron | WUGLM]
1976, January 14 (Wednesday) * WUGLM: Coffee House
“Wednesday ... Gay Coffee House. 8:30pm. CC 110.”
[source: Chevron,
Vol.16, No.27, 1976, January 9 (Friday), “twoc,”
[categories: campus groups | UW groups | WUGLM | meetings]
1976, January 23 (Friday) * Chevron: Ad for WUGLM Counselling & Information
On p.4 of Chevron,
Vol.16, No.29, 1976, January 23 (Friday), in the “classified” section under
“Personal” was the following notice.
“Gay Lib Office, Campus Centre Rm. 217C. Open Monday-Thursday 7-10pm, some
afternoons. Counselling and information. Phone 885-1211 ext. #### [WUGLM's telephone
[source: Chevron,
Vol.16, No.29, 1976, January 23 (Friday), p.4.]
[categories: campus groups | UW groups | Chevron | WUGLM]
1976, January 28 (Wednesday) * WUGLM: Coffee House
“Wednesday ... Gay Coffee House. 8:30pm. CC 110.”
[source: Chevron,
Vol.16, No.29, 1976, January 23 (Friday), “twoc,”
[categories: campus groups | UW groups | WUGLM | meetings]
1976, February * Guelph Gay Equality (GGE): 1st Full-Time Employee
“In February, Jim Dougan became the first full-time employee of Guelph
Gay Equality, thanks to a grant from the Department of Student Affairs.”
[source: OUT!,
Vol. 1, No. 1, November 1978, p.4 (an article entitled
“GGE 5 Years”).]
[categories: campus groups | Guelph groups | GGE]
1976, February - April * Guelph Gay Equality (GGE): Dances, Education, Dinners
&“Dances were being held at various locations in Guelph. We were closely
involved at this time with the Sex Education Committee of the Department of
Student Affairs. Pot-luck dinners were held at regular intervals.”
[source: OUT!,
Vol. 1, No. 1, November 1978, p.4 (an article entitled
“GGE 5 Years”).]
[categories: campus groups | Guelph groups | GGE]
1976, February 6 (Friday) * Chevron: Ad for WUGLM Counselling & Information
On p.4 of Chevron,
Vol.16, No.31, 1976, February 6 (Friday), in the “classified” section under
“Personal” was the following notice.
“Gay Lib Office, Campus Centre, Rm. 217C. Open Monday-Thursday 7-10pm., some
afternoons. Counselling and information. Phone 885-1211 ext. #### [WUGLM's telephone
[source: Chevron,
Vol.16, No.31, 1976, February 6 (Friday), p.4.]
[categories: campus groups | UW groups | Chevron | WUGLM]
1976, February 11 (Wednesday) * WUGLM: Coffee House
“Wednesday ... Gay Coffee House. 8:30pm. CC 110.”
[source: Chevron,
Vol.16, No.31, 1976, February 6 (Friday), “twoc,”
[categories: campus groups | UW groups | WUGLM | meetings]
1976, February 13 (Friday) * Chevron: Ad for WUGLM Counselling & Information
On p.4 of Chevron,
Vol.16, No.32, 1976, February 13 (Friday), in the “classified” section under
“Personal” was the following notice.
“Gay Lib Office, Campus Centre, Rm. 217C. Open Monday-Thursday 7-10pm, some
afternoons. Counselling and information. Phone 885-1211 ext. #### [WUGLM's telephone
[source: Chevron,
Vol.16, No.32, 1976, February 13 (Friday), p.4.]
[categories: campus groups | UW groups | Chevron | WUGLM]
1976, February 18 (Wednesday) * WUGLM: Coffee House
“Wednesday ... Gay Coffee House. 8:30pm. CC110.”
[source: Chevron,
Vol.16, No.32, 1976, February 13 (Friday), “twoc,”
[categories: campus groups | UW groups | WUGLM | meetings]
1976, February 20 (Friday) * Chevron: Ad for WUGLM Counselling & Information
On p.4 of Chevron,
Vol.16, No.33, 1976, February 20 (Friday), in the “classified” section under
“Personal” was the following notice.
“Gay Lib Office, Campus Centre, Rm. 217C. Open Monday-Thursday 7-10pm, some
afternoons. Counselling and information. Phone 885-1211 ext. #### [WUGLM's telephone
[source: Chevron,
Vol.16, No.33, 1976, February 20 (Friday), p.4.]
[categories: campus groups | UW groups | Chevron | WUGLM]
1976, February 25 (Wednesday) * WUGLM: Coffee House
“Wednesday ... Gay Coffee House. 8:30pm CC 110.”
[source: Chevron,
Vol.16, No.33, 1976, February 20 (Friday), “twoc,”
[categories: campus groups | UW groups | WUGLM | meetings]
1976, February 27 (Friday) * Chevron: Ad for WUGLM Counselling & Information
On p.4 of Chevron,
Vol.16, No.34, 1976, February 27 (Friday), in the “classified” section under
“Personal” was the following notice.
“Gay Lib Office, Campus Centre, Rm. 217C. Open Monday-Thursday 7-10pm, some
afternoons. Counselling and information. Phone 885-1211 ext. #### [WUGLM's telephone
[source: Chevron,
Vol.16, No.34, 1976, February 27 (Friday), p.4.]
[categories: campus groups | UW groups | Chevron | WUGLM]
1976, March 3 (Wednesday) * WUGLM: Coffee House
“Wednesday ... Gay Coffee House. 8:30pm. CC 110.”
[source: Chevron,
Vol.16, No.34, 1976, February 27 (Friday), “twoc,”
[categories: campus groups | UW groups | WUGLM | meetings]
1976, March 5 (Friday) * Chevron: Ad for WUGLM Counselling & Information
On p.4 of Chevron,
Vol.16, No.35, 1976, March 5 (Friday), in the “classified” section under
“Personal” was the following notice.
“Gay Lib Office, Campus Centre, Rm. 217C. Open Monday-Thursday 7-10pm, some
afternoons. Counselling and information. Phone 885-1211 ext. #### [WUGLM's telephone
[source: Chevron,
Vol.16, No.35, 1976, March 5 (Friday), p.4.]
[categories: campus groups | UW groups | Chevron | WUGLM]
1976, March 10 (Wednesday) * WUGLM: Coffee House
“Wednesday ... Gay Coffee House. 8:30pm. CC 110.”
[source: Chevron,
Vol.16, No.35, 1976, March 5 (Friday), “twoc,”
[categories: campus groups | UW groups | WUGLM | meetings]
1976, March 12 (Friday) * Chevron: Ad for WUGLM Counselling & Information
On p.4 of Chevron,
Vol.16, No.36, 1976, March 12 (Friday), in the “classified” section under
“Personal” was the following notice.
“Gay Lib Office, Campus Centre, Rm. 217C. Open Monday-Thursday 7-10pm, some
afternoons. Counselling and information. Phone 885-1211 ext. #### [WUGLM's telephone
[source: Chevron,
Vol.16, No.36, 1976, March 12 (Friday), p.4.]
[categories: campus groups | UW groups | Chevron | WUGLM]
1976, March 12 (Friday) * Chevron: Article: John Herbert Speaks at UW
On p.3 of Chevron,
Vol.16, No.36, 1976, March 12 (Friday), there was an article by Laura Mclaclan entitled
“Style grows from artist's personality”, which described a seminar at which acclaimed
Canadian gay playwright John Herbert spoke.
The article began as follows. “An artist's style is established when his own personality makes
his works, according to playwright John Herbert. Herbert feels that his play ‘Fortune and
Men's Eyes’ represents the first time that he fully achieved this recognizable style.
The play sprang from an experience at the age of 18 when Herbert spent six months in the Guelph
Reformatory on the charge of having had a homosexual relationship.” The article later
includes the following passage. “In a seminar for Rota Lister's English 335 class on Monday,
Herbert discussed his dramatic style, his personal background on which much of his work is based
and his view of the Canadian approach to the arts.”
[source: Chevron,
Vol.16, No.36, 1976, March 12 (Friday), p.3.]
[categories: campus groups | UW groups | Chevron | WUGLM]
1976, March 17 (Wednesday) * WUGLM: Coffee House
“Wednesday ... Gay Coffee House. 8:30 pm. CC 110.”
[source: Chevron,
Vol.16, No.36, 1976, March 12 (Friday), “twoc,”
[categories: campus groups | UW groups | WUGLM | meetings]
1976, March 19 (Friday) * Chevron: Ad for WUGLM Counselling & Information
On p.4 of Chevron,
Vol.16, No.37, 1976, March 19 (Friday), in the “classified” section under
“Personal” was the following notice.
“Gay Lib Office, Campus Centre, Rm. 217C. Open Monday-Thursday 7-10pm, some
afternoons. Counselling and information. Phone 885-1211 ext. #### [WUGLM's telephone
[source: Chevron,
Vol.16, No.37, 1976, March 19 (Friday), p.4.]
[categories: campus groups | UW groups | Chevron | WUGLM]
1976, March 24 (Wednesday) * WUGLM: Coffee House
“Wednesday ... Gay Coffee House. 8:30 pm. CC 110.”
[source: Chevron,
Vol.16, No.37, 1976, March 19 (Friday), “twoc,”
[categories: campus groups | UW groups | WUGLM | meetings]
1976, March 26 (Friday) * Chevron: Ad for WUGLM Counselling & Information
On p.4 of Chevron,
Vol.16, No.38, 1976, March 26 (Friday), in the “classified” section under
“Personal” was the following notice.
“Gay Lib Office, Campus Centre, Rm. 217C. Open Monday-Thursday 7-10pm, some
afternoons. Counselling and information. Phone 885-1211 ext. #### [WUGLM's telephone
[source: Chevron,
Vol.16, No.38, 1976, March 26 (Friday), p.4.]
[categories: campus groups | UW groups | Chevron | WUGLM]
1976, March 31 (Wednesday) * WUGLM: Coffee House
“Wednesday ... Gay Coffee House. 8:30 pm. CC 110.”
[source: Chevron,
Vol.16, No.38, 1976, March 26 (Friday), “twoc,”
[categories: campus groups | UW groups | WUGLM | meetings]
1976, April * Guelph Gay Equality (GGE): Visiting Gay Inmates
“In April, we began visiting gay inmates at the Guelph Correctional
[source: OUT!,
Vol. 1, No. 1, November 1978, p.4 (an article entitled
“GGE 5 Years”).]
[categories: campus groups | Guelph groups | GGE]
1976, April 2 (Friday) * Chevron: Ad for WUGLM Counselling & Information
On p.4 of Chevron,
Vol.16, No.39, 1976, April 2 (Friday), in the “classified” section under
“Personal” was the following notice.
“Gay Lib Office, Campus Centre, Rm. 217C. Open Monday-Thursday 7-10pm, some
afternoons. Counselling and information. Phone 885-1211 ext. #### [WUGLM's telephone
[source: Chevron,
Vol.16, No.39, 1976, April 2 (Friday), p.4.]
[categories: campus groups | UW groups | Chevron | WUGLM]
1976, April 7 (Wednesday) * WUGLM: Coffee House
“Wednesday ... Gay Coffee House. 8:30 pm. CC 110.”
[source: Chevron,
Vol.16, No.39, 1976, April 2 (Friday), “twoc,”
[categories: campus groups | UW groups | WUGLM | meetings]
1976, August * Guelph Gay Equality (GGE): August Club Opens in Royal Hotel
“In August, we opened the August Club in the Royal Hotel, probably
the only club in Canada with a 'Gay Disco--After Hours Club' sign outside.
The club was not overly successful, and drained the energy from our former
political and educational might. The club finally closed in March, and we have
held monthly dances at the schoolhouse ever since.”
[source: OUT!,
Vol. 1, No. 1, November 1978, p.4 (an article entitled
“GGE 5 Years”).]
[categories: campus groups | Guelph groups | GGE | dance clubs | August Club]
1976, Summer to Fall * WUGLM: Gracey's Restaurant and Disco
The same group of WUGLM members who started up the Bridgeport dances took possession of the Garnet Restaurant at 112 King Street West on April 20, 1976. After renovations, it became licenced around June of 1976, and was probably opened for business around that time. The main floor became a 1930s- and 1940s-style restaurant, while the downstairs became a disco with disco music from the 1970s; it was open on Friday and Saturday nights, and attracted many gay people. The front windows on the main floor had been painted by Michal Manson (she was an artist at WLU) to depict Gracey. The logo for Gracey's was done in Art Deco style and included the following thematic elements: a moon, a palm tree and a horizon. The venture was not a financial success and closed on October 31, 1976. The Bridgeport Dances continued on unaffected.
[source: Jim Parrott transcribed this data from the Kaufman Archives.]